Investigation of alternate generation and host in oak gall wasps of the genus Andricus in Lorestan province

Document Type : Research Paper



Oak trees are among the most important hosts of cynipidae gall wasps. In this investigation alternation of generations and hosts in oak gall wasps of the genus Andricus were studied on two oak species inLorestan province in 2003-2005. There are two oak species, Q. infectoria and Q. brantii with different dispersal patterns in Lorestan province. Q. brantii belong to Cerris section with wide dispersion in this province and Q. infectoria belong to Quercus section which occurs only in Ghalaii region. To determine dispersal pattern of oak gall wasps and their relationship with oaks species, sampling procedures were conducted for 3 years on the galls. Overall, 14 gall wasps species of Andricus genus were collected on two oak species; Quercus infectoria and  Q. brantii in Lorestan province. Results of this investigation revealed the occurrence of host-alternation in four species, Andricus lucidus, A. cecconi,
A. grossulariae
and A. multiplicatus in Lorestan province.


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