Monitorin g of Tortrix viridan a distributiollby sex pheromone in Mazandaran province of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



Oak leaf roller, Tortrix viridiana L. (Lep.: Tortricidae) is one of the important pests of oak forests. However this pest has been a quarantine pest for Mazandaran province in Caspian coast till the year 2000 which it was detected in the area. Due to serious damage inflicted by the pest to forests in northern Iran, two pheromone products (foreign product and Iranian product made by Pest and Disease Research Institute) were used to monitor oak leaf roller, Tortrix viridiana population and dispersal pattern. Pheromone traps of wing and delta designs were randomly placed in various localities (sites and heights) in Mazandaran province. For this purpose the foreign product pheromone traps were used. For comparison of foreign and Iranian pheromones, nine traps containing each product were placed in Zare forest Park and National Forest Park on 15 May 2002.Delta traps were placed within the oak tree canopy at 2 m in height and 50m minimal apart. Traps were collected on 25 May 2002 and male oak roller as well as other captured moths were counted. This pest was trapped from Sari, Neka, Beh-shahr, Galandrood, Chalus forests, Ghaem-shahr Kalar Park and Noore Forest Park. Population of the pest was higher at National Forest Park (protected Forest of Department of Environment) in Sari. Comparisons of total Iranian and foreign pheromone products did not show any significant difference between the two products (p:0.3), but both products were significantly different in terms of relative attractiveness to alternate moths (p=0.0027). In this regard, Iranian product acted more selectively to capture male oak tortrix.


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