Pests and diseases associated with Thymus species in Hamadan province

Document Type : Research Paper



Thyme (Thymus spp.) is a medicinal and aromatic plant which grows in most temperate regions. Presently 14 Thymus species are reported from Iran and six have so far been collected and reported from Hamedan province. These include; T. daenensis, T. fallax, T. kotschyanus, T. pubescens, T. migricus and T. eriocalyx. Based on thyme distribution in the province, diseased samples together with associated pests were collected and transferred to the laboratory. Thyme plant distribution areas were regularly visited and sampled during 2008-2010. Several samples of pests and diseases on Thyme plants were collected. Insect pests collected on different thyme species are as follows: thyme aphid; Aphis serpylli on T. daenensis, T. fallax, T. kotschyanus, T. vulgaris, Leaf Miner beetle; Apteropeda sp. on T. daenensis, T. fallax, T. kotshyanus and Thrips tabasi on all Thyme species. Fungi diseases separated from diseased thyme plants of the province are; powdery Mildew Golovinomyces biocellatus on T. daenensis, T. fallax, Rust Puccinia serpylli on T. daenensis. Parasitic plant; (Dodder) Cuscuta aproximata collected on T. daenensis and T. fallax species.


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